Friday, November 4, 2016

Man's Wisdom Blocks Faith - by Reimar Shultze

I will destroy the wisdom of the wise and will bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent. -1 Cor 1:19kjv

The most beautiful illustration of the text is Moses.  Moses had the wisdom of the wise.  He had learned all the wisdom of Egypt, studying biology, philosophy, political science, mathematics, geometry, and world history.  Yet what did God need of all that wisdom to make Moses a deliverer?  The answer:  none of it!
God had to put Moses into a forty year re-education program in the very wilderness where he was later to lead the nation of Isreal.  God had to teach Moses the wisdom of the Lord; lessons of utter dependence upon Him and of not leaning upon his own understanding.
When it was time for Moses to lead Isreal into the wilderness, he had to forget what he knew about the land's desolate agricultural state.  He had to forget about its impossible climate of scorching heat during the day and sometimes freezing temperatures at night.  He had to forget about eh lack of lakes and rivers.  He had to forget about protesting to God, "This will not work!  I have been there."  Moses' faith enabled him to take Isreal into a wilderness that, barring quick and powerful miracles, could cause them to perish within a week's time.
Moses had to exchange the wisdom of the wise with the wisdom of God to make his faith work.  So, God sent a cloud to cool His people by day and a pillar of fire to warm them by night.  He sent bread from the sky and water from the rocks.  He made for Isreal a place of life in an otherwise uninhabitable wilderness.  But God could not do that until He had a man whose earthy wisdom could be laid aside in order to favor the wisdom of God.  So, whose wisdom are you operating on:  the wisdom of man or the wisdom of God. -Reimar Shultze
My children that I have homeschooled.
Is it a waste of time to learn biology, philosophy, political science, math, geometry or world history?  NO!  But what is important is that your child knows that the most important aspect of his or her education is FAITH IN GOD!  Knowing that God will provide what we need, when we need, it is the biggest lesson parents can give children.  Today, operate in the wisdom of God, not man.  

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