Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Common Core Controversy

I read a post regarding common core and how language and math standards are no different really than common sense or what was already in place in each state's content standards / objectives.  True.  

The main theme in the other blog (listed at the bottom of my post) was that it is not the standards, but the reason behind the change that we, as conservatives or US citizens or Christians or home educators, should be concerned about these standards...  True.

If you haven't heard of the latest and greatest change coming to your local school, then you may be shocked - as I was - that the federal government is involved with the change.  WHAT?  Why is the federal government getting involved at the local school level?  I thought that my state and local school board was in charge of my public school's education...  You may think "With the low rankings of the USA students, someone needs to get involved."  True.

You can educate yourself further with these links, if necessary:

Shocking:  One publisher's CC standards in Literature/Writing (creates manipulative thinking and emotionally elevated negative words)

1st in a Video series on CC:  Video 1 - Jane Robins

I commented on this other blog as follows:

The math and language standards aren't that controversial (with the exception of replacing classic literary works with government documents, perhaps). However, what happens when the standards are out for history and an 'expert' has rewritten it to make it appear as though the pilgrims did not come seeking religious freedom; our founding fathers were not deeply Christian, etc. These history / science standards are also already agreed to be taught using whatever curriculum publisher is chosen. 

The history and science will be the more controversial. As far as math, I've read that math was too easy; then I read where one child cried because the math was too difficult on the assessment that goes along with these standards. I don't see math standards being any more difficult than what is currently in place in my state by any means. Algebra isn't even taught as a class till high school. As a certified teacher, formerly employed by the public school system, I was required to teach by my state standards. Why are they now no longer good enough? Why can't my own state revise these if they are need of revision? Why is the federal government telling us the content standards now? 

The secular standards are not the only problem causing low rankings among our state / country; the students drive for learning is a major problem. [Mediocre teachers could sometimes a problem (even when I was in high school....).] Students have no real desire to learn for the love of learning - they may desire an "A", but not really care about the material. Th is one of many reasons I chose to home educate my own children.

See more at:

I'm going to research more on common core state standards.  What are your thoughts, feelings, concerns?

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