Monday, October 8, 2012

Mitt Romney, Education, and West Virginia (Fayette County)

While watching the Presidential Candidate Debate, I heard Mr. Romney mention with pride that Massachusetts was the number one in the nation in regard to educational performance.  So I, being the kind of voter that wants to be informed (and having a stake in the educational system), looked up the stats that could verify the statement.  I found a link called ALEC which lists a ranking of the states.  Mitt Romney was right as Massachusetts was indeed at the top spot.  My shock, however, came when I curiously peered at the bottom slot:  WV was in last place!  I really was heartbroken because I taught in this state and had a great deal of pride in the school where I taught.  I enjoyed teaching the students under my care and wanted them to be successful.

I got even more curious and wondered where my county ranked regarding education in WV.  School Digger is a site that ranked counties.  I'm not certain of the validity of this site which showed my county in 53rd position out of 55.  I was heartbroken again; however, I'm now baffled as well!

If my county is 53rd & my state is 51st, then public schooled children are at the bottom of the barrel!  Where does our country rank when compared to other countries?  UK link posts the rankings as of 2010.  The USA ranks below average in math; average in reading and science.  We are behind countries like Poland, Iceland, Switzerland, Estonia, Belgium, Netherlands, New Zealand, and, of course, Finland and the Asian countries!

My question is this:  If we, as a country, state, and county, are doing so poorly in our educational system, why are so many educators or other parents against home education?  I would encourage any parent who wants the best, no wait, at least above the rearmost possible education for their child to consider homeschooling!

I can at least keep up with my own children's education by keeping them learning at their own pace (which is usually above the normal public school child); preparing them for life; giving them a love for learning (for no other external rewards); and making sure they are thinking, going to their full potential, and enjoying childhood in a relaxed environment.

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